Matt`s Early Life
On the first
Friday of May 1856 as the people of Dublin gathered to
watch the Peace Proclamation parade celebrating the end
of the Crimean War, Charlie Talbot's wife Elizabeth
Bagnall had more pressing concerns of a personal nature
just then. On that day 2nd May 1856, her son, the child
she would call Matthew, was born in the parish of St.
Agatha at 13, Aldborough Court.
Matt was the second eldest of twelve children two boys
twins Charles and Edward died in infancy and that left
ten children eight boys and two girls. The family should
of been relatively well off but because Charlie drank
very heavily they were always poor moving from one
tenement to another.
Dublin's Pro Cathedral Three days after he was born Matt
was baptised in Dublin's Pro Cathedral by Fr. James
Mulligan a young priest of twenty nine. It's a
reflection on the prevailing conditions of the city at
that time that within eight weeks Fr. Mulligan was dead.
He died of a fever which he contracted while caring for
the poor people of the parish. Matt came home to be one
of the poor children of the city. Life was very
difficult for the Talbot family, living in cramp and
squalid conditions with no proper sanitation or running
Daniel O'ConnellO'Connell's School Matt did not begin
school until he was eleven and like many children of the
time the main reason why he went to school at all was so
that he could be prepared for the sacraments of First
Communion and Confirmation. He went to O'Connell's
primary School opened by and named after Daniel
O'Connell the Catholic emancipator. But Matt did not
attend much school as the family were poor because of
the father's drinking, Matt's mother had to work as a
charwoman to earn some extra money meanwhile Matt had to
stay at home to look after his younger brothers and
sisters. His teacher Br. Ryan sums up his time in
O'Connell's by writing in the remarks column of the
class roll book "a mitcher" or truant.